Scouts: Alton Towers Adventure
Greenwich Mean Time
at Alton Towers
Event Details
Scouts will travel by minibus on Friday afternoon. We'll stay overnight at Trentham Scout HQ which is close to Alton Towers. We'll have food together, light the camp fire and stay overnight.
After an early breakfast on Saturday, we'll head into Alton Towers ready for the park opening. We'll then enjoy the rides, sights and sounds.
Scouts will be grouped at Alton Towers dependent on their age and confidence. Adults will maintain close supervision of younger scouts and check-in with older scouts at regular intervals during the day.
We'll squeeze every last minute out of the day, and leave as the park closes just before 6.00pm. We'll stop off at motorway services for some food before driving back to Washington, arriving back late on the Saturday night.
What's included:
Return minibus to Alton Towers
Day ticket to Alton Towers
Overnight stay at Trentham Scout HQ
Friday supper
Saturday breakfast
Packed lunch for Saturday in Alton Towers
Saturday evening meal (McDonalds type)
Bottled water and snacks throughout.
Scouts will provide: a packed tea for Friday, spending money for souvenirs and snacks inside Alton Towers. Scouts could bring up to £20 in cash with them.
To confirm your place, please pay the £40 fee in the usual way via electronic transfer to our events account:
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account: 00023244
Ref: Child's name + 'Alton'
Please email once you've made payment.
Leader in charge: Blaine Richardson Tel: 07526 301 879
Other adults attending: Jonathan Chicken, Wendy McMann, Matthew Willcock, Christine Willcock